Precious Lamb's History
It was Friday, February 8, 2002. We had worked for over two years on finding a location, raising funds, building relationships with the community, developing a preschool curriculum and setting up an amazing classroom. There had been a beautiful dedication ceremony for Precious Lamb a couple months before. All of the residential treatment programs had waited with great anticipation for Precious Lamb to open and knew we were finally ready to have their children come…yet there had been no children. Miss Christina and I had come to school every day to an empty classroom for a couple of months. That Friday morning, we were already at school continuing to work on curriculum and praying the children would soon come.?
A Friday…no school I know of has its very first day on a Friday…but once again, God does things in His timing and for His glory. Much to our surprise we were greeted unexpectedly by two mothers with their sons, “Angel” and “Savan” (pronounced like 7 – God’s number of completion used throughout the Bible.) We were overjoyed! God had brought about what had been laid so strongly on my heart!?
I am ever thankful for the staff who daily say “YES” in a challenging yet rewarding ministry. Precious Lamb wouldn’t be the incredible program and ministry that it is without these amazing people! I am thankful the Board and volunteers and for all those who have given and continue to give of their time, talent and treasured resources. Precious Lamb’ ripple effect has now impacted the lives of hundreds of children and families facing homelessness. Lives have been and continue to be changed.?
This is the verse God gave me when we started Precious Lamb. This verse is where the name originated and the mission of our school. It embodies Precious Lamb's heart to help children and families to know Jesus, the Good Shepherd, to carry the children close to the heart of God and gently lead the parents.
Isaiah 40:11
“He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.”
Pictured to the right: Our first two children with their moms on Precious Lamb’s first day of school. “Miss Christina” Navas-Mondolo on the left and “Miss Sharalyn” Shaw-Croft on the right. We were Precious Lamb’s only paid staff at that time.