Testimonials: 20 Stories of Hope
For twenty years, Precious Lamb has been a place of healing, restoration, but more importantly... hope. These twenty stories just barely scratch the surface of the impact Precious Lamb has made on children and families experiencing homelessness in our community. The hope is that these testimonies serve as a glimpse into the impact our teacher’s make every day and that God’s grace has the power to transform lives. He always meets us right where we’re at, so our organization does too- meeting parents and children right where they are at. No judgement. Just love. This book is dedicated to all the teachers who have committed their careers to serving at-risk children and giving them the tools to succeed-preschool and beyond. Our founder Sharalyn Croft’s says, “Precious Lamb has always been a testimony of hope and “El Roi”- the God Who Sees (Genesis 16:13).
Stories from the book
Founder Sharalyn Shaw-Croft's Story
May 29, 2024
Even before he was born, Caleb (not his real name) experienced the effects of dr…
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