Story 2

September 4, 2024

LaRhonda McCracken & Her Son"I am forever thankful to Precious Lamb for the love and support my son and I received. It has been twelve years since my son attended, but he still talks about the teachers and his time there with real joy. At the time, I was living in a shelter in Long Beach with my 3-year-old son while attending community college full-time with the hopes of becoming a dental hygienist. Just knowing my son was at a place so full of love and kindness took such a burden off my shoulders and allowed me the opportunity to really focus on my schoolwork. More important than that was the character I saw developing in my son. Living in a shelter does not always provide for the ideal surroundings at such a crucial developmental time. Still, I could see then and throughout the years just how much influence Precious Lamb had in his development. My son attended Precious Lamb up until he started kindergarten, and he grew to be a very kind, generous, and thoughtful young man. He has so many happy memories there and still talks about Mrs. Cricket and Mrs. Diane. I feel so thankful to God for providing a place like this during some of my hardest years. I achieved my goal of becoming a dental hygienist and have been able to provide for my family as a single parent. My son has just finished high school and will be starting college in the fall. I cannot thank Precious Lamb enough because they were so instrumental in helping me break generational cycles of drug use, instability, and homelessness, and because of their love and support, my son has had a much better start in life than I could have provided without them."

~ LaRhonda McCracken