Story 13
I really want to share with you God’s miraculous power and all He has done for me and my family. My hope is to encourage anyone who may be going through a similar situation because I know if He can do it for me, He could do it for anyone.
In 2014, I found myself at the lowest point of my life on the verge of divorce with my husband incarcerated. During this time, I was running the streets with my two children, on meth, bouncing around from motel to motel. It got to the point where I was running out of options, I was either going to lose my kids forever, go to prison, or die. Thanks to God’s grace and many prayers being answered, I was able to find the help I needed to get through such a dark time in my life through Precious Lamb.
To this day, I am amazed at how they loved me even when I didn’t love myself. I never could have imagined they would’ve gone above and beyond to help an addict like myself. Because of their help, I was able to sober up as they allowed me to sleep and rest in an empty classroom. At one point, I had lost my vision and Mrs. Lailanie would pick me and my girls up every day and while my girls were in class, she would let me sleep in another room. This went on until I regained my vision and strength.
I’m forever grateful to God for bringing us to Precious Lamb in 2012. Nine years later I am still sober, mothering my children, and still married to the most amazing man ever.
Thank you to all who donate and to the staff at Precious Lamb, for helping an addict like me when nobody else would. I am forever grateful.
~ Xochitl Jauregui