Story 04
My name is Penny Harvey, I don’t like drunk alogs so I’m sticking to the basics. My life was pretty much empty! I used and drank for a little over 15 years, so it took more than one try. When I finally realized that I had to do this for myself and not for anyone else, it was then that God’s help became real to me. I did a geographical and got some time under my belt before going back to old places and playgrounds.
Back it up a little, my husband and I lost our two oldest boys to DCFS, the respect of our family and my sense of purpose and self-worth was completely gone. I was living in a car with my husband until he went to jail and I went to rehab. At that time, I had a year clean and sober, graduated my program and couch surfed until a spot opened at a sober living.
This is how amazing my God is though. My husband, who was still in his addiction said to me on what was supposed to be our last night together, that he wanted to go with me to sober living. So, we went and continued to fight together to get our oldest boys back from DCFS. About 1 year later I found out I was pregnant with Jason. It wasn’t easy but we couldn’t have done it without a relationship with God. He kept me grounded and gave me the strength to persevere through all obstacles.
It was at that time when I heard about Precious Lamb. I always wanted to instill good values in my children and Precious Lamb helped to do just that. I wanted my children to have their own personal relationship with God because I knew that they would always feel safe no matter what. I remember my son’s first day at school, I didn’t want to leave him but the teachers/staff were very nice and they helped
comfort me by talking with me and then even praying over me.
Ever since that very first day, they have been there not only for Jason, but for my whole family. As of today, through the grace of God, Jason has never seen his mommy or daddy drunk or high and for that I thank God. You know today I know everything is going to be alright because God’s got me and I’ve got Him! Living life on terms may not always be sunshine and marigolds but it is worth it! Take it from
me, I lost everything and yet I got it all back and more. My Bible verse which I choose to live by is Philippians 4:13 which is “I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me."